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Detained For A Bail Hearing?
If the police have detained you for a bail hearing, you need an experienced bail lawyer to fight for your freedom.  Our only goal is to ensure that you get out of jail quickly and inexpensively so you can resume a normal life while we fight your criminal charges together.  Speak to a lawyer for FREE right now. Call (416) 400-6668  24/7.

Avoiding a Bail Hearing Altogether

In many cases our lawyers have been able to negotiate with the Crown prosecutor ahead of time to obtain bail on reasonable terms, removing the potential that a client is denied bail by the judge. Avoiding a formal bail hearing saves you money and reduces time spent in custody.  Speak to a lawyer for FREE right now. Call (416) 400-6668  24/7.

Speedy Bail
If the police hold you for a bail hearing, the first step in your criminal defence is obtaining speedy bail. You need a lawyer with the necessary experience and expertise to help you secure your bail as quickly as possible. Our lawyers have the experience and expertise to get you the fastest possible result.  Speak to a lawyer for FREE right now. Call (416) 400-6668 24/7.

Optimize Your Bail Hearing Outcome
Hiring an experienced bail lawyer to assist you at your bail hearing significantly improves your chances of success. We ensure that both you and your sureties (your proposed bail supervisors) are prepared for the types of questions they will be asked by the judge or prosecutor. One wrong answer at a bail hearing can sometimes make the difference between securing a release and a detention order.  Speak to a lawyer for FREE right now. Call (416) 400-6668  24/7..

You Got Bail Problems? We Got Bail Solutions!

Check out a few of our recent cases:

Case: R. v. O.A. *
Charges: While out on an earlier release order, O.A. was charged with:

1) Fail to Comply with a Release Order
2) Dangerous Operation

3) Failure to Provide a Breath Sample

4) Utter Threats (2 counts)
5) Criminal Harassment
6) Failure to Comply
7) Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle

8) Race Motor Vehicle

9) Failure to Stop for Police.
Result: Released on Bail


Case: R. v. K.I.*
Charges: Conspiracy to commit an indictable offence, where the indictable offences include:
1) Robbery with a Firearm
2) Disguise with Intent
3) Point Firearm
4) Threaten Death
5) Possession of a Weapon
6) Possession of Property Obtained by Crime
7) Unauthorized Possession of Firearm
8) Possession of a Prohibited Firearm with Ammunition
9) Possess Firearm Obtained By Crime
10) Careless use of a firearm
11) Possession of Property Obtained by Crime
Result: Released on Bail

Case: R. v. F.J.*

1) Impaired Driving

2) Eight (8) Counts of Possession of Controlled Substance for the Purpose of Trafficking

3) Two (2) Counts of Possession of Proceeds of Crime

4) Failure to Comply with a Release Order for an earlier Impaired Driving Charge
Story: F.J. was facing charges of DUI and failure to comply with a release order made in relation to multiple counts of trafficking drugs (8) and possessions of proceeds of crime (2) and failure to comply with an earlier release order made when F.J. was charged with impaired driving.  
Result: After a Bail Review, our lawyer secured F.J.’s release from custody!

* Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results and may vary according to the facts in individual cases.

You got Bail problems? We got Bail solutions!

Arrange your FREE consultation now

Call  (416) 400-6668    24/7


We represent clients at the Ontario Court of Justice
and the Superior Court of Justice 
throughout Ontario.
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 Value from Experience.

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