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Stunt Driving Penalties

Stunt Driving Penalties

Stunt Driving Penalties- First Offence
First Offence Stunt Driving penalties include:
1. Immediate thirty (30) day Driver’s Licence suspension
2. Immediate fourteen (14) day vehicle impoundment
1. Imprisonm
ent up to six months
2. Six Demerit Points
3. A fine of between $2,000 and $10,000*
4. Mandatory one (1) year driver’s licence suspension
5. Massive increase in insurance rates for at least three (3) years**
6. Mandatory Driver Improvement Course***


Charged with Stunt Driving? Speak to a Lawyer 24/7
  (416) 400-6668


Stunt Driving Penalties – Second Offence
1. Immediate thirty (30) day Driver’s Licence suspension
2. Immediate fourteen (14) day vehicle impoundment
1. Imprisonment of up to six months
2. Six Demerit Points
3. A fine of between $2,000 and $10,000*
4. Driver’s licence suspension for up to ten (10) years
5. Massive increase in insurance rates, possible no insurance company will deal with you**
6. Mandatory Driver Improvement Course***


Charged with Stunt Driving? Speak to a Lawyer 24/7 


(416) 400-6668  24/7



Stunt Driving Penalties – Third and Subsequent Offence(s)
1. Immediate thirty (30) day Driver’s Licence suspension
2. Immediate fourteen (14) day vehicle impoundment
1. Imprisonment of up to six months
2. Six Demerit Points
3. A fine of between $2,000 and $10,000
Lifetime Driver’s Licence Suspension

*Failure to pay fines will result in automatic driver’s licence suspension
**A Conviction may make it impossible to obtain insurance, forcing you to deal with high risk insurance companies that may charge up to 500% more to insure your vehicle
*** Failure to complete the Mandatory Driver Improvement Course will result in your Driver’s Licence being revoked


Charged with Stunt Driving? 
If you’re charged with Stunt Driving, you best course of action is to call and speak to a Lawyer to discuss how we can fight to preserve your right to drive.  The consequences of not fighting can be severe.  


Charged With Stunt Driving?

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